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A lightweight application to predict the risk stratification of depressive mood disorder based on USA CDC BRFSS 2020 data. (Note: This app should never be positioned as a diagnostic tool. Please consult medical departments for concerns).

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Used to to predict the risk stratification of depressive mood disorder

App should never be positioned as a diagnostic tool. Just for quick screening.

Based on USA CDC BRFSS 2020 data.

This application aids in determining the risk stratification of disorders related to depressive moods. There is also a helpful section named "User Guide" that provides a step to step on how to use.

Clinically validated

Warning: This application has been validated for clinical use and it generally safe to use. But always use good judgement.

  • Favorites: 0
  • Executions: 14

  • Clinical Informatics


Kinal Patel

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