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Diagnosify is an innovative neurological diagnosis platform that assists medical professionals in diagnosing neurological diseases. In the modern healthcare landscape, early and accurate diagnosis plays a pivotal role in ensuring timely medical interventions and improved patient outcomes. Diagnosify addresses this need by offering a platform that assists medical professionals in brain diagnosing various diseases using advanced machine learning techniques. The application focuses on the classification of diseases such as Brain Tumor, Alzheimer's Disease and Parkinson's Disease.

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Use Cases Limitations Evidence Owner's Insight
  • Brain Tumor Prediction: The app can analyze MRI scan images to predict the presence of brain tumors, potentially streamlining preliminary assessments in clinical workflows.
  • Alzheimer's Disease Prediction: It offers a tool to upload MRI scans to evaluate and predict the likelihood of Alzheimer's disease.
  • Parkinson's Disease Detector: The application includes a Parkinson's Disease Detector, which claims to be the world's first publicly accessible detector of this kind, analyzing images based on spiral and wave drawings associated with the disease.
  • Diagnostic Accuracy: The app should not be used as a sole diagnostic tool. The accuracy of machine learning models depends on the quality and diversity of the training data, and it may not detect all types of abnormalities or may produce false positives.
  • Regulatory Approval: The app does not have regulatory approval for clinical use and should be used for educational or research purposes only until such approvals are obtained.
  • Data Security/Privacy: Users should not upload files with sensitive or potentially identifiable information. For example, the metadata shouldn't contain the patient's name or any other sensitive/identifiable information.

As of now, data supporting the app’s effectiveness has not been collected. Future updates will include feedback from initial users and healthcare professionals, as well as measures of its usefulness and impact.

The inspiration behind the creation of Diagnosify stems from the pressing need for more accurate, efficient, and accessible methods of brain disease diagnosis in the modern healthcare landscape. The convergence of medical expertise and technological advancements has the potential to revolutionize the way diseases are detected and treated.


Warning: App may appear to work well but has not been peer reviewed. Not intended for clinical use. Use with caution.

  • Favorites: 2
  • Executions: 19

  • Clinical Informatics


A Aaron Shaji

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